The Saluting Marine

Tim Chambers

Veteran, Author, Motivational Speaker, Highschool Mascot, AMVETS Spokesperson.


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Welcome to my webpage.  Please do not hesitate to create your own account so we can stay connected.  

A little about me: I grew up the oldest of six kids. My mother had all of us in a 5 year time span. 

I was very fortunate to work with my grandpa on his Christmas tree and strawberry farm. I joined the Marine Corps and one day they volunteered us to support Special Olympics and from that day on volunteering has been my life.

All my initiatives are created and executed on my own. I am not sponsored by any company. My wife is a very understanding and amazing soul. She supports all my volunteer efforts even when I spread myself too thin.

In 2002 in Washington DC at an event called Rolling Thunder (currently Rolling to Remember) I held a salute for those riding in honor of our fallen and missing men and women of the armed forces and as a welcome home to Vietnam and Korean War Vets. I have been doing it every year since. I learn more every day on how it has impacted people and had never realized how much the salute meant to them.  This is bigger than just Veterans and fallen heroes; it is a symbol for society that demonstrates compassion and respect, commitment and honor, dedication and remembrance.  I hope to continue to motivate others to see how some empathy, compassion and showing up make a difference.

This website is new.  I will make sure I will have all info and some great content that will share with you my efforts, adventures, and accomplishments with my charity.

- Semper Fidelis,  

Tim Chambers 
The Saluting Marine 
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  •   04/20/2022 12:39 AM
  • Pennsylvania, USA

Do you need an experienced, highly motivated, inspirational speaker that can captivate your audience? Have the Saluting Marine speak at your next event. Military and non-military speeches and appearances. The Saluting Marine can be there for you. Inquire here for details.